If you can’t find the answer below, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

What is collagen?

Collagen is the main structural protein in the human body constituting 70% of our dry-mass skin content. Collagen fibres provide the infrastructure for elastin, which maintains skin elasticity.

When is the best time to take collagen?

Ideally you would take Collagen on an empty stomach as this will mean you will have less stomach acid to break down the active nutrients and proteins. However this is just an ideal scenario - you do not need to take collagen on an empty stomach to obtain the benefits.

Taking Collagen last thing at night is also a good time as your body can absorb and use the collagen at a time when it is actively repairing anyway - i.e. when you're asleep. However if this is not convenient then use the supplement at the best time for you to be able to take it regularly.

What is the source of the collagen?

In all our products we use hydrolysed marine collagen. The marine collagen comes from the skin of herring, anchovies and mackerel. It contains no shellfish.

Is your collagen undenatured or hydrolysed?

Both our Collagen Powder and our Collagen Capsules contain hydrolysed marine collagen as opposed to undenatured.

The hydrolysed form of collagen is better tolerated and more easily absorbed as a human dietary supplement and gives a better amino acid profile. 

When it comes to dosage you would expect to see hydrolysed supplements in higher doses than undenatured ones.

Hydrolysed collagen has been broken down from large proteins to smaller bits. The collagen is “predigested” into its basic amino acids and is called collagen hydrolysate, hydrolysed gelatin, collagen peptides, or hydrolysed collagen. Hydrolysed collagen supplements make the amino acids more easily available to your tissues - giving you a boost of the specific amino acids that are rich in collagen.  

Undenatured collagen is not broken into smaller proteins or amino acids. 

Has the collagen been tested for heavy metals?

Yes! The marine collagen we use in both our capsule and powder products has been tested for heavy metal content and falls well with the safe limits. Please contact us to request a full specification report.

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